
.gay Community Spotlight on Planned Parenthood (Part 1) - An Interview with Dr. Bhavik Kumar

TDOV gender affirming care Trans Community Dr. Bhavik Kumar COMMUNITY SPOTLIGHT .gay Community Spotlight Planned Parenthood Trans Day of Visibility
  • Liz Achanta
  • March 30, 2023
  • 6 min. to read

This week we had the pleasure of speaking with Bhavik Kumar (he/him), MD, MPH Medical Director - Primary & Trans Care, Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast (PPGC), and also the National Medical Spokesperson at PPFA.

Read our convo below and get involved HERE.

How would you describe your organization’s mission? 

Planned Parenthood serves to provide high-quality, affordable, and comprehensive healthcare for all people, no matter who they are. We prioritize sexual and reproductive health care and recognize that the people we provide care for also need access to other services like primary and trans care. Planned Parenthood is deeply connected to the communities we serve as advocates and educators, often filling in gaps as a trusted source of information about healthy relationships, sexuality, and bodily autonomy. 

Tell us about how that mission is brought to life through your work?

My work includes clinical care, advocacy, and education. I see patients for abortion care, primary care, and gender care and also supervise clinicians who provide these services at our affiliate, Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast (PPGC), which covers Southeast Texas and Louisiana. Seeing patients for these types of care in 2 of the most restrictive states and providing that care with compassion and empathy are central to my life purpose. 

Given the political landscape in these states and the continuous legislative and political attacks on women and LGBTQ+ people, it is also important for me to speak up and to speak out. As a physician, bringing my knowledge of medicine and science, as well as my personal experience providing healthcare, to the political and public spheres is paramount to preserving the humanity of my patients. It is an honor to speak truth to power — from the nightly news to the White House — on behalf of the people I provide care for. 

What would happen if your organization suddenly did not exist?

Planned Parenthood is the leading provider for sexual and reproductive healthcare in the country and the largest provider of sex education. If we suddenly did not exist, many people would be left with few, if any, options for critical, life-saving care from abortion to trans care. Many low-income families and families of color rely on Planned Parenthood for their healthcare. Unfortunately, the absence of Planned Parenthood would fall hardest on these communities who have already been historically marginalized and ignored by many state legislatures. 

What can people do to get involved and help make sure that never happens?

The best thing people can do is to pay attention and support providers like Planned Parenthood. Stay informed, be aware, and be unapologetic about your support and point of view. Now more than ever, we have to stand up against political ideology that is trying to undermine our dignity, our humanity, and our right to exist as whole people. The attacks are relentless but we are stronger together and will never stop fighting for what we all deserve — autonomy to make decisions about our own bodies, lives, and futures, and freedom to be who we are. 

Why does LGBTQ+ visibility matter to you?

I am a gay man who grew up in a small town in East Texas. I recognized early on that if we don’t stand up for ourselves, other people get to write our story and decide our fate. Being visible means that we won’t allow that to happen on our watch. Visibility is also important for those who aren’t able to fully be themselves yet. For those of us who are able to come out, being proud and unapologetic about who we are paves the way for more people to feel safe continuing on their journey. 

In your own words, what does “LGBTQ+ safety and support” mean specifically?

LGBTQ+ people, especially transgender and nonbinary people, are often marginalized by cis and heteronormative practices and beliefs. This exclusion creates barriers to health care and is harmful to the mental health and wellness of our community. 

Providing safety and support for all communities is at heart of Planned Parenthood’s mission. LGBTQ+ people are a part of the Planned Parenthood community — they’re our patients, staff, and supporters. To us, safety and support means centering LGBTQ+ communities in health care, the inclusive education we provide, and the sexual and reproductive freedom we strive to achieve. Planned Parenthood stands in solidarity with LGBTQ+ communities, pushing back on the oppression and discrimination that threatens everyone’s health and well-being. 

Who are some of your LGBTQ+ heroes?

I draw inspiration and strength from the life and words of Audre Lorde. My favorite Audre Lorde quote is, “When I use my strength in the service of my vision it makes no difference whether or not I am afraid.” 

Our community owes so much to trans women and our liberation is only because of them. Marsha P. Johnson and Sylvia Rivera have to be celebrated for their part in the Stonewall uprising that paved the way for gay rights. 

If you could give LGBTQ+ youth one message, what would it be?

You are loved and you are whole, as you are. 

Tell us about a time when you felt like the work you do at your organization really mattered or made a difference for the communities you serve?

We started providing Trans care at PPGC about three years ago, and I still remember seeing my first patient. They were 33 years old and told me they had been waiting 33 years for that day. I had never had a patient say something like this and in that moment, I felt a tremendous honor in being able to show up for this person. At the same time, I felt overwhelming sadness that this person had to wait so long to get the care they so badly needed and deserved. 

Since then, we have been able to help hundreds of people in Texas and Louisiana. We provide referrals for specialty care, letters to help people change their names and gender markers on their legal documents, and so much more. The service really allows us to closely partner with our patients to help them be their full selves in every aspect of their life. This has been one of the most fulfilling and deepest honors of my medical career. 

Anything else you would like to share with the .gay audience? 

Take care of yourselves! Our community is beautiful but sometimes we forget to prioritize our health. Don’t forget to make sure you check in with your primary care provider at least once a year, keep up with your recommended vaccines including those for flu and COVID-19, get your regular health screenings, and take preventative medications like PrEP if you're at high risk for HIV and qualify. We can only be our best selves when we are most healthy and all of us as a community need to be at our best for each other and ourselves! 

To learn more and get involved in supporting the work of Planned Parenthood, click HERE.

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