Perky Planet’s Joins the .gay Community!

This week, our featured .gay Early Adopter is! This site, created by progressive coffeehouse Perky Planet in Burlington, VT., sells ethically-sourced roasted coffee beans as well as local Vermont maple syrup. 

When COVID-19 forced the closure of the cafe’s indoor dining area, the owners, Richard and Chris, planned a pivot to online retail. They converted their dining area to a production space for roasted coffee and launched 

Not only does’s business model include charitable donations generated from purchases, the company also provides meaningful, competitively paid, and inclusive employment for people with disabilities in their local community. 

“Because of the opportunity extended by .gay to our little business, I have been able to call Joe back to work,” said Perky Planet founder Richard. “Joe is a young man with Down syndrome. The ability for Joe to socialize has been severely limited due to the pandemic, and being able to get back to work and interact with the community is very important to him. has given him that opportunity. Thank you.”

We salute and Perky Planet’s mission to create positive social change, both in their community and around the world, using the power of coffee!

For more, visit

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