How would you describe your organization’s mission?
As a whole, Oasis Center’s mission is to help young people grow into a happy and healthy adulthood. Specifically, Just Us is a collection of positive youth development programs and mental health services focusing on LGBTQ+ youth – providing a safe and affirming space for young people to explore and celebrate their identities wholly and authentically. Our collection of programs includes Becoming Us for middle school youth, Just Us for high school youth, Students of Stonewall for high school advocates and activists, as well as individual and small group therapy services.
Tell us about how that mission is brought to life through your work?
Our mission is brought to life by every single young person who is able to grow into their identities confidentially and unapologetically. More often than not, being a part of our groups is shared as the high of their week during our circle check-in. Hearing young people express that they now feel accepted and part of a community, or they feel more comfortable being themselves is an incredible measure of success. Being able to provide the space for any LGBTQ+ youth to grow, celebrate who they are, and to bloom is invaluable.
What would happen if your organization suddenly did not exist?
Just Us’ collection of positive youth development programs and mental health services serve as a literal lifeline for many of our young people. For many of the young people we work with, this may be the only outlet they have to be themselves freely and authentically while building vital connections with their peers. Because our services are free of charge, including our mental health services, our young people never need to worry about cost being a barrier. Just Us at Oasis Center is the only full-time staffed and intentional positive youth development program for LGBTQ+ youth in Tennessee, and to no longer exist would leave our LGBTQ+ youth with nothing.
What can people do to get involved and help make sure that never happens?
Our greatest need is always financial support, and no amount is ever too small. We have donors who give the price of a cup of coffee once a month, up to those who are able to give $1000+. Every dollar given goes to ensure LGBTQ+ youth in Tennessee will continue to have a safe and affirming space to build community and connection. Beyond that, share and uplift our work. Connect young people to our programs, help let others know that we are here for any LGBTQ+ youth who needs us.
Why does LGBTQ+ visibility matter to you?
LGBTQ+ visibility matters because people, especially young people, need to see themselves as happy, proud, affirmed, members of a community. And if young people cannot see it, they cannot be it as they grow into adulthood. As an out and proud adult, I feel as it is my responsibility to be as visible as possible so that others know they are not alone, and I will continue to be visible for those who cannot be. Ultimately, I want nothing more than for LGBTQ+ youth to grow into LGBTQ+ adults.
In your own words, what does “LGBTQ+ safety and support” mean specifically?
To me, LGBTQ+ safety and support means not just being accepted in a community, but being welcomed, embraced, wanted, and celebrated. Safety and support means having equitable access to all opportunities within a community, and having the ability to live and express proudly and openly, without fear of shame or retaliation. It means being able to bring my full self to any space, wholly and authentically.