WrestlingIs.gay Helps Pro Wrestler EFFY Fight Stigma & Give Back


Extravagant costumes, alter egos, zany comedy, and fierce competition are often associated with drag queens, but they also perfectly describe the allure of professional wrestling! While the sport has suffered from the homophobia that can manifest in hyper-masc subcultures, gay pro wrestler EFFY is changing all of that with his out-and-proud persona and community advocacy.

Recently, EFFY launched the site WrestlingIs.gay, selling limited-edition t-shirts bearing the eponymous slogan. In addition to reclaiming the word “gay” as a positive thing and gleefully celebrating the homoeroticism of wrestling, EFFY is donating part of the proceeds to Lost-n-Found Youth, a shelter for young, unhoused LGBTQ people in Atlanta, GA.

“Using a .gay domain for WrestlingIs.gay helps make my site memorable and easy to find,” says EFFY. “The .gay domain also lets my supporters know they are visiting a safe, LGBTQ-friendly space that actually gives back to our community. WrestlingIs.gay wants to undo the negative stigma of “gay” within the professional wrestling world, which has in the past been prone to homophobia and discrimination. Using the .gay domain feels validating because it helps improve visibility for LGBTQ people, which is the best way to show the world that we’re here to stay!”

EFFY has already donated $500 to Lost-n-Found Youth from the t-shirt sales on WrestlingIs.gay, and more shirts sold means more donations! This limited-edition design is only available for a few more days, so don’t sleep on this chance to score some fierce gay threads, battle stigma, and support an indispensable community organization.

To learn more and order your own t-shirt, visit EFFY’s site WrestlingIs.gay.

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Dutch LGBTQ Student Group ASV.gay Joins the .gay Community