Brings Ace/Bi/ENBY Visibility to the .gay Community!


Dear Queer Diary is a long-format blog and a short-form podcast where hosts Pipes and Starman share their personal experiences and perspectives about all kinds of subjects relevant to LGBTQ identities!

Dear Queer Diary analyses these subjects from not just a bisexual and non-binary perspective, but the too-often-underrepresented asexual/aromantic perspectives. Example topics include:

Pipes and Starman stress that they only speak for themselves and from their own experiences — never for all ace, bi, or ENBY people. As they say, “The best way to know what’s best for the people in your life who are asexual or aromantic is to ask them. Communication is key.”

Explicit and unfiltered, Dear Queer Diary is a bold voice for under-represented LGBTQ identities. Please helps us welcome them to the .gay community!

For more, visit!

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Dutch LGBTQ Student Group Joins the .gay Community


This Year Was So .Gay!